Feature : New Accessory Collection.

2:16 PM

Hello everyone! 

I'm so excited to be back to making accessories again! I am currently working on a very special collection that means so much to me and will launch it this Friday the 14th at Party In The Park while Lilly Allen Performs! I am beyond excited to share this collection with you, it comes from a very special place on earth and I hope that you guys will appreciate it as much as I do.

I will also be selling my bullets collection at the event so I will be showcasing both.

Present this code to me at the event and you'll get
30% off anything you want : HWORLD30

Here's a mini interview in Hype Magazine about my accessories :) 

Hope to see you guys there!!

Also, check out my new Instagram page to stay updated on all of my new designs and collections.


Have a lovely week!

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